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The Hilaris Scientific Service Achievement Award seeks to recognize an individual for their significant contribution and service to society, excellence in practice, research & innovation, and leadership quality in the sector of Clinical Nephrology & Urology. We recognize your service, which has created a significant impact in overall quality of life of others, improved the society and motivated the young followers. Applicants should be able to demonstrate that their attention to details has impacted the overall quality of life & their innovation that has brought a change in the society for a better tomorrow.
The Hilaris Scientific Service Achievement Award is open to all Individuals who had a significant contribution in the sector, and engage themselves into innovative research, Services and product development. Candidate should have minimum 15+ years of experience in the core research or relevant field. It is applicable for the candidates of Public services, Government service, or Private sectors also.
Basis for Judging:
Selection will be on the basis of individual accomplishments, quality & standards of research,/ services, innovation in terms of serving public domains, scope of the research/ service for the society beyond the boundary of the organization or company.
We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by colleagues/ organizations (both private & public sectors).
This award will be presented at Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference, Date & venue.
We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of Appreciation.
The Hilaris Research Contribution Award seeks to recognize Professionals (Academic, Research, Business)/ Organizations for their significant Research & Development activities and contribution to the Clinical Nephrology & Urology sector. We recognize and appreciate your Research contribution that has demonstrated a big difference in the society, & impacted individuals live.
The Hilaris Scientific Service Achievement Award is open to all Individuals/ Organizations who had a significant innovation & research contribution in the sector, and engage themselves into innovative Services and (or) product development that has created a big difference. Candidate (Public services, Government service, Academic or Private sectors) should have minimum 10+ years of experience in the core research & innovation. Part-time research experience would be counted as pro-rata. It is considered from the date of obtaining the first degree.
Basis for Judging:
Selection will be on the basis of individual accomplishments, quality & standards of research, innovation in terms of serving public domains. Research should be novel, unique and scope of practical implementation should be clearly identified. Preference will be given to research/innovation with quick production viability.
We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by colleagues/ organizations (both private & public sectors).
This award will be presented at Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference, Date & venue.
We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of Appreciation followed by special incentive for the next chapter of the conference.
The Hilaris Emerging Researcher Award category is to recognize and promote young professionals, Research Scholars starting their career in Research and innovation, which shows a huge potential for the future. Though this awards we encourage and appreciate the young budding minds to involve deeply into the research activities in the sector of Clinical Nephrology & Urology and innovate or discover new product and services. Our Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference will provide the best platform to represent yourself in front of global experts and network with other peers to expand your horizon.
The Hilaris Emerging Researcher Award is for all young Researchers, Research Scholars (Preferably PhD, Post Doc, and Post Graduates & Graduates) who has involved themselves into the R&D sector. The candidates should have minimum 3+ years of Research experience and published minimum 5 research articles in standard journals. Part time researchers can be considered subject to recommended by the research guide or any director level designated person from the organization.
Basis for Judging:
Nominated candidates need to present their research or talk for 25-30 minutes in from of the panel members. Subject should be under the scope of the Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference . Selection will be on the basis of individual accomplishments, quality & standards of research, Nobel thought, Research methodology, innovative ideas, style of presentation, Significance of the contribution to the field, originality, clarity, and future extended scope of the research and probability of bring the research in terms of products/services into public domain.
We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by organizations (both private & public sectors)/ Research guide. The student must be the first author & the student’s advisor should attach a statement that their contribution is primarily advisory.
This award will be presented at Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference, Date & venue.
We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of Appreciation followed by special incentive for the next chapter of the conference. Opportunity will be given to be Student ambassador for the subsequent future conferences.
The Hilaris Women Scientist Award is to recognize Women Scientist who has an outstanding contribution towards the field of Clinical Nephrology & Urology. Women’s are the role model of the society and we would have the pleasure to promote and encourage them for their significant contribution in R&D/ Service sector.
The Hilaris Women Scientist Award is for all women researchers & innovators from Universities, Hospitals, Research Institutes and other Public/ Private sectors. Candidate with 5+ years of experience in the related field are eligible for nomination.
Basis for Judging:
Factors to be considered for this award includes the quality of research, evaluation of their contribution in respective fields, their demonstrated track record of Research & innovation, the research accomplishments with future potential, contributions to industrial, government, or academic based R&D, commercialization of innovation/research, patents, publications, technical aspect of project management, and leadership positions.
We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by organizations (both private & public sectors) or nomination recommendations from colleagues and/or head of the institutions.
This award will be presented at Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference, Date & venue.
We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of Appreciation followed by special incentive for the next chapter of the conference. Opportunity to be an Organizing panel of the conference, chance to evaluate posters/ sessions (separate recognition for the activities), chance to moderate sessions/ conference program.
The aim of the Hilaris Outstanding Speaker Award is to recognize individuals presenting an oral sessions/ research papers, projects, strategies at the respective conferences. Outstanding paper will be selected among all the presentations at the conferences, evaluated by the expert committee. Maximum 3 presenters will be awarded based on the score evaluated by the expert committee.
The Hilaris Outstanding Speaker Award is for the entire presenter participating in Oral Presentation Sessions of Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference. There will be a speaking slot of maximum 25 minutes which will be evaluated by the review committee. The presenting author should be the first authors and supporting authors should not have any objection over the data and information to be presented.
Basis for Judging:
Contributions are demonstrated through technical originality, ways of presentations, Quality of Research, Presentation clarity based on the abstract, Novelty of Research, Uniqueness of research methodology, innovative ideas, Impact of the research in the field and future extended scope of the research including practical viability of the R&D in terms of product development.
We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by colleagues and/or head of the institutions.
This award will be presented at Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference, Date & venue.
We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of Appreciation followed by special incentive for the next chapter of the conference.
Hilaris Outstanding Speaker Award is to recognize best research poster presented at the Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference. This Award seeks to encourage and motivate Researchers, Research scholars, and Faculty members for their dedication and achievement in the field.
The Hilaris Outstanding Speaker Award is for the entire presenter participating in Poster Presentation Sessions of Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference. The posters will be evaluated by the expert panel. The presenting author should be the first authors and supporting authors should not have any objection over the data and information to be cited in the poster.
Basis for Judging:
Posters will be evaluated based on the parameters such as; Clarity, Originality, importance and timeliness, organization of written material, lucidity, conciseness, future scope of the research, practical viability of innovation and ability to answer the questions put by the review panel.
We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by colleagues and/or head of the institutions.
This Best Poster Award will be presented at Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference, Date & venue.
We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of Appreciation.
Hilaris Outstanding Student Thesis Award seeks to recognize the best Graduate theses (Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate) in the topics covered under the scope of the Clinical Nephrology & Urology conference. This awards aims to encourage the young scholars to achieve excellence in the field of Research & Innovation.
To be considered for the Hilaris Outstanding Student Thesis Award, the scholar must have defended the thesis maximum two years prior to the Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference. The thesis should be recommended by the project or thesis supervisor and there should not be any conflicts of interest among the co-researchers. Also, there should not be any issue with related to the disclosure of data or information.
Basis for Judging:
Overall quality of research, novelty of problem statement, research output in terms of publications and patents including future scope of the research.
We invite online applications from desired candidates, self-nomination or nominated by thesis supervisors/or head of the organization.
This Best Poster Award will be presented at Clinical Nephrology & Urology Conference, Date & venue.
We will recognize the awardee(s) with a memento, & Certificate of Appreciation.
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