About Marine Biology And Oceanography
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- About Marine Biology And Oceanography
Biodiversity is meant by Life on Earth and comprises marine biodiversity 'Life in the Seas and Oceans. The marine culture has a very high biodiversity because 32 out of the 33 narrated animal phyla are rendered in there.
Biodiversity loss and climate change concurrently menace marine ecosystems, yet their interconnection remain vastly unknown. Ocean fermentation severely influences a wide variety of marine organisms and recent studies have predicted crucial effects at the pH conditions expected for 2100.
Why is marine biodiversity important?
Marine organisms bestow to many risky processes that have direct and indirect outcome on the health of the oceans and humans. What is obvious is that there are specific species and functional groups that play critical roles in important ecosystem processes, and the loss of marine biodiversity is incapacitating the ocean ecosystem and its potentiality to resist disturbances, to adapt to climate change and to play its role as a global ecological and climate regulator.
The ocean is home to millions of species. The health of the oceans is firmly dependent upon this marine biodiversity. Life in the ocean is vital component of climate regulation. Climate change because of human activity has a direct effect on marine species. It changes their abundance, diversity and distribution. Their feeding, development and breeding, as well as the relationships between species are pretentious.
According to species, rising temperatures lead to different behaviour patterns. The ocean fermentation, caused by an increasing osmosis of atmospheric CO2, has a quickest outcome on the marine organisms with calcareous skeletons or shells: these presume phytoplankton, crustaceans, molluscs…
Severe climatic events exhaust natural environments, for example by erosion and flooding. They disturb marine life in coastal areas, particularly in certain coastal habitats such as mangroves and sea grass beds, which are essential breeding grounds as well as prospective CO2 capture zones.
Target Audience
Researcher | Environmental Consultant | Natural Resource Manager | Climatologists | Meteorologist | Fisheries Biologist | Environmental Lobbyist | Naturalist | Marine Illustrator | Aquarium Employee | Biotechnology Specialist | Aquaculturist
Global Marine Conservation
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) | Bimini Biological Field Station | Blue Frontier Campaign | Conservation International | Deep Sea Conservation Coalition | Defenders of Wildlife | Earthwatch Institute | Environmental Defense | European Network on Invasive Alien Species (NOBANIS) | Fauna and Flora International (FFI) | Global Coral Reef Alliance (GCRA) | Greenpeace International | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) | World Meteorological Organization (WMO) | United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) | International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI)| International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) | International Maritime Organization (IMO) | IUCN Global Marine Programme | IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group | Lighthouse Foundation | Marine Fish Conservation Network | Nature Conservancy | Ocean Conservancy | Oceana | Ocean Project | OceanCare | Project Aware Foundation | Project Seahorse | Polar Bears International | Reef Check | Reef Relief | ReefBase | The Safina Center | Sea Shepherd Conservation Society | Shark Stewards | Turtle Island Restoration Network | Seal Conservation Society | Shifting Baselines | Sierra Club | Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) | The Species Survival Commission (SSC) | Surfrider Foundation | TRAFFIC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC) | Wetlands International | Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) | WildAid | World Resources Institute | World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) | World Wildlife Fund
Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority | Great Barrier Reef Research Foundation
New Zealand
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society
United Kingdom
Bite-Back Shark and Marine Conservation | Marine Connection | Marine Conservation Society | Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland (MarLIN) | Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | Shark Trust
United States
Algalita Marine Research Foundation (AMRF) | American Cetacean Society (ACS) | Aquatic Network | Center for Biological Diversity | Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (CMBC) | Climate Science & Policy Watch | Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island (CRESLI) | Coral Reef Alliance | Friends of the Sea Otter (FSO) | Marine Conservation Institute | Marine Mammal Center | National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) | National Marine Sanctuary Program | Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) | National Wildlife Federation (NWF) | Ocean Alliance | Ocean and Climate Change Institute | Ocean Conservation Research | Ocean Sanctuaries | Pacific Marine Mammal Center (PMMC) | PRBO Conservation Science: Marine Ecology Division | Restore America’s Estuaries
Major Organizations from all over the world, working collaboratively and inclusively to prevent climate crisis.
350.org, International | Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED), Arab Region | Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN), Asia and Pacific Region | Biomimicry Institute, International | C40 Cities, International | Caribbean Community Climate Change Center (CCCCC), Caribbean Region | Citizens’ Climate Lobby, International | Climate Alliance, International | Climate Action Network (CAN), International | Climate Cardinals, International | Climate Collaborative, United States | Climate Group, International | Climate Justice Alliance (CJA), United States | Earthjustice, United States | Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), United States | Environmental Working Group (EWG), United States | Extinction Rebellion (XR), International | Fridays for Future (FFF), International | Friends of the Earth, International | Gender CC, International | Greenpeace, International | Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Europe | Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), International | Julie’s Bicycle, International | La Via Campesina, International | Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), International | Naturefriends International (NFI), International | Oceanic Global, International | Our Kids’ Climate, International | Project Drawdown, International | Rainforest Action Network (RAN), United States | South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA), South Africa | Sunrise Movement, United States | Union of Concerned Scientists, United States | World Wildlife Fund (WWF), International | Zimbabwe Small Holder Organic Farmers’ Forum (ZIMSOFF), Zimbabwe
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