Author Guidelines
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- Author Guidelines
Hilaris Conferences, warmly welcomes the experts, researchers, innovators to the Pediatric Surgery & Surgeons conference. Before Submitting abstract, authors should go through the below Author Guidelines.
The mode of the oral presentation will be in English. It is assumed that the presenting author should have adequate command on English language. If not, the author (s) need to arrange a translator of his/her own and we will not bear any extra charges for that.
All the abstracts should be submitted as per the abstract template format and must be written in English.
The presentation titles should be match with the submitted abstract, but the content or result may be updated later if new results/ data are available.
It is understood that the submitted abstract has not been presented elsewhere (except as a thesis) and not currently under consideration with any other conferences. There should be no conflicts of interest between the presenting and supporting authors.
If authors want to republish or to present the same abstract present earlier elsewhere, need to modify the contents and should not be copied directly. The same also be applicable in case the author(s) going to present any abstract directly from their published papers. For such instances we will not allow to publish the full-length article if author wants.
Mode of abstract presentation: Oral, Poster, e-poster and video presentation
Peer Review: All submitted abstracts will undergo through peer review and QC process by our internal editors/expert committee/review panel (whose identities will remain anonymous) to maintain the acceptable standard of academic/scientific excellence. If the reviewers reject any abstracts, it will not be published in the proceeding. In such cases, authors need to rectify the abstract or need to re-submit a newer one.
All register abstracts and a few accepted abstracts (as decided by the reviewer) will be published in the conference proceedings. The proceedings will be both as offline and online in the supported journals with a digital object identifier (DOI) provided by Crossref.
If any author submitted any abstracts and unable to attend the Pediatric Surgery & Surgeons and do not want to publish the abstract, need to inform us prior the conferences. Else, it is considered that the author has accepted our terms and conditions of abstract publishing.
We are not responsible for any concerns associated with the data validity or information present in the abstracts. Author(s) are solely responsible for it. Any concerns, author(s) can be contacted directly.
A single author can publish/present maximum two orals and posters. A single abstract can be presented by maximum two authors in form of Oral/poster presentation during the conference. In such cases, one author needs to register under general registration and other need to register as accompany person.
Authors can submit their abstracts in the Abstract Submission Portal or directly as an attachment to (Email ID).
Pediatric Surgery & Surgeons welcomes experts, young researchers and contributors to submit their research findings in form of Poster. Author(s) should comply with the below guidelines for Poster Submission. All Posters should be submitted through the Abstract Submission portal and inline with the Abstract Template.
The poster abstracts should be relevant to the scope of the Pediatric Surgery & Surgeons and by default all submitted posters are considered under Best Poster Competition.
All submitted abstracts must be in English language and should meet the minimum quality to be presented at the Pediatric Surgery & Surgeons.
It is assumed that the mode of poster presentation will be in English and the presenting author(s) should have adequate command on English communication. If translator required, the author(s) need to bear that expenses.
All registered/accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings (both online and offline) with DOI number in the respective supported journal.
The presenting author(s) need to bring the printed posters and Hilaris Conference/our partners/onsite coordinators are not responsible for any kind of printing related activities
A single poster can be presented maximum by two authors.
A single author can present maximum two poster.
All other criteria related to the quality, data, research, conflicts of interest etc. will be the same as explained in author guidelines.
The details schedule of Poster Presentation will be posted in the Conference website (in agenda)
The Posters should be placed in the poster board during the conference much prior to the scheduled time
All posters need to be removed after the Poster session is completed
Hilaris conference or our partners will not responsible for loss or damage of the printed poster and need to be taken care by the presenting author(s).
Each poster’s dimension should be approximately 1x1 meter or 3x3.
The title, contents and the author(s) information should be clearly visible from a minimum distance of 1-2 feet.
The content of the poster should be crisp, clear and easily readable, eye catchy, long sentences should be avoided, and major points should be highlighted in bullet points.
The output of the research in the poster should be clearly highlighted
A clear and good standard poster should have the headings such as: Overview, Introduction, Materials & Methodology, Results and Conclusion.
All the graphs/chats/images should clearly visible.
All the posters presented at Pediatric Surgery & Surgeons will be included under Poster competition by default.
If, any Author(s) are not interested to participate can inform us prior so that we can exclude those posters.
All the posters will be evaluated by the Poster judges and the best poster(s) will be recognized with certificate(s)
In case, there are two author(s), both can participate in the competition and best poster certificate can be awarded to the main author or both depending on the decision of jury members.
All the presenting authors will be awarded with Poster Presentation Certificates.
The posters will be evaluated on basis of on major criteria such as; Quality of Research, Clarity of layout, Poster Presentation skills, Scope of the research (present & future), Novelty of the research, Innovative ideas, and Originality & uniqueness of the research work
The poster judges may ask multiple questions and presenting author(s) and the author should answer the question professionally. If any argument or misconduct will be done by the Author(s), the poster will be excluded from the Best Poster Competition.
Each presenting author(s) will be given maximum 5-10 minutes to present the poster to the jury member including question answer.
There may be a single jury member or multiple members to evaluate the posters
Apart from the jury members, you may also present or explain your poster to the interested audience during the Poster session
The winner(s) will be announced during closing ceremony or at the end of the session.
The Poster Competition Winner(s) will be awarded with a special certificate of recognition
The decision of the jury member(s) is final, and no one is entitled to raise any question on them or to ask any clarification regarding the decision.