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Clocate.com is a leading international directory for worldwide conferences and exhibitions. Clocate.com is equipped with a unique and comprehensive search that helps you find easily any event in any category or location. Each event includes detailed information, like, description, dates, location, map, prices, link to the official events website and more... If you search for a conference or exhibition in areas such as Industry and manufacturing, Health and medicine, Technology and IT, Business and finance, sciences, education, services (banking, insurance, tourism, Hospitality and more), government, environment, life style and arts, you will find it in Clocate.com


AllConferenceAlert is one of its kind Indian tech startup that is on the way to become global leader in academic conference, event, seminar & workshop listing, leading the way for conference/event management sector. As of 01-01-2017, All Conference Alert boasts more than 50,000 conference/event listings across 145 disciplines & 130 countries worldwide.


Eventbrite is a global platform for live experiences that allows anyone to create, share, find and attend events that fuel their passions and enrich their lives. From music festivals, marathons, conferences, community rallies, and fundraisers, to gaming competitions and air guitar contests. Our mission is to bring the world together through live experiences.

Conference Management Software

COMS is a web-based event management system designed to support the organisation of scientific, medical and academic meetings. It handles. COMS website is operated by 'Marianne Mandl, Dienstleistungen in der automatischen Datenverarbeitung und Informationstechnik'.


Scientific conferences are among the most effective scientific events contributing to the development of science. They are meant to present the latest research findings and to keep up to date with the latest scientific breakthroughs in different fields of science. For young researchers, conferences serve as an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest discussions and activities in the scientific world. KindCongress was founded in late 2016 with the aim of covering the most reliable scientific conferences all over the world.

World Conference Alerts

World Conference Alerts is basically an online platform where you can get the details about the conferences, seminars, workshops and other related events. These are the events where the best minds can share knowledge and their research outcomes and help the modern world to get the maximum utilization of knowledge.

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